– La playlist debe durar mas de 1:45 minutos y menos de 3 horas.
– Al hacer playlists, deben poner 3 canciones que no sean de Louis como relleno y cuando haya otra canción de Louis también 3/4. no deben poner 5 porque es excesivo.
– No deben empezar ni terminar la playlist con la canción focus
– Siempre traten de incluir mas de seis artistas, también pueden variar entre álbumes.
– Recuerden actualizar las playlists semanalmente.
The playlist must be longer than 1:45 minutes and less than 3 hours.
- When making playlists, they should put 3 songs that are not by Louis as filler and when there is another song by Louis also 3/4. They should not put 5 because it is excessive.
- Do not start or end the playlist with the focus song.
- Always try to include more than six artists, they may also vary between albums .
- Remember to update the playlists weekly.